The aim of the course is

to teach students the Hungarian language with a strong focus on fluency and effective communication based on accurate usage of grammar at beginners’ level and improving communication skills in different situations, e.g.: making friends, introducing themselves, family, accommodation, work, school, travel, holidays, meals, hospitality, shopping, entertaining, at the doctor’s, fashion etc.

Our institution has been running Hungarian language courses since 1949 but the real demand arose for this service only after 1989. We have provided language courses for students from all professions among them senior executives and employees of several multinational companies operating in Hungary.

The language course

In possession of the knowledge of the first module students should be able to use the basic skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing and mediation skills) at A1 – B1 accepted requirement levels by the time they start the second module.

The aim of the training is

for students to acquire the knowledge of the structural grammar with the emphasis on general communication with the help of simple sentences and simple compound sentences in real Hungarian speaking environment,
to let participants know the basic situations they can encounter during their stay in Hungary when getting into touch with native Hungarians. Introducing the most important speaking situations, improving the relevant vocabulary, practising speaking skills,
students should learn how to organise a composition about basic topics, especially on areas of their interests,
students should learn how to compose formal and informal letters by learning different approaches. Usage of Hungarian, communications skills and independent use of the language should meet the requirements of A1 – B1 accepted requirement levels; students should be familiar with dialogues of general communication (restaurant, shopping, post office, hotel, street, transportation, airport etc.) students should get on well with native people, be able to express their wishes, respond adequately to situations, events, explain and justify their decisions.

Lexical skills required from students

It is a basic condition of learning any language to learn a certain amount of vocabulary, enabling people to be familiar with different situations of life, appropriate competence in writing and communication, proper reactions in situations, comprehension and ability to respond properly.

A1 – B1 accepted requirement levels aim to solve the most important communication situations. It means the use of certain expressions, a measurable lexical knowledge. At basic and elementary levels the knowledge of the following communication topics is required based on the features of the courses:

  1. Individuals and family. Personal details. Daily routine, basic activities. Free time activities.
  2. Man and environment. Shopping. Meals. Clothing. Accommodation, moving.
  3. Mode of transport and communication. Human relationships, family events.
  4. Man and the world. Travelling, holidays. Life and schooling: venues of training and education.
  5. Human body: health and medical care. Hungarian cities.

Listening comprehension is improved by listening to authentic recordings.

The vocabulary involved is about 4,500 – 5,000 words.

The level of requirement does not mean a single direction, but a complex range of certain skills of language knowledge, which extends to the minimum of the requirements of the next level (B2).

Nyelvtanulás 1949 óta = ÉLŐ NYELVEK SZEMINÁRIUMA